Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gratitude Campaign - Worth Passing On

Happy Saturday Everyone,

Everynight at our home, we pray for the soldiers that are serving in our military.  It's a hardship that seems would be so heavy for any family or person serving to bear.  My cousin has served in Iraq and Afghanistan and I have friends too.  Their stories are not too cheery of what it is like to serve.

I liked this link - take a moment if you have 15 seconds:

It's feeling like spring for sure today here.
Green everywhere.
Flowers in full bloom.
Soccer games are on!

Hope you and yours have a great day.

Art below by Julie it - my kids got the slip in slide out yesterday - 65 degrees ..brr..but they had fun:

My kids on slip-n-slide - what a great invention:

The water was frigid.