Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking Back: The Craziest Fashions That Came Out of 2011

Adapted from the Today Show

2011 was a fun and interesting year for fashion, beauty and style in general. We got some interesting new trends as well as some revival trends. Some of my personal favorites were last spring's surf-inspired resort collections, the fun, bright neon colors that popped up early and stuck around for most of the year, and the cool color-blocking which was so versatile and could be used in so many ways. However, there were some really strange things that popped up this year that (hopefully) will not return next year. Here, I'll be reviewing some of the truly craziest. Enjoy!

CRAZY dresses: Don't get me wrong, I love Duchamp's work, but a dress inspired by the Fountain? Not exactly something I'd like to wear. And an angry birds dress is funny, but a little ridiculous. However, since this is wife of the man who invented the popular game, we'll let it slide this time.

Freaky Bikinis: A bikini made of solar panels, while convenient and eco-friendly, is taking environmentalism a little over the top. And a bikini made of glass? Not only is that weird, but it's dangerous! The model, Kristin Cavallari, said it was cut her skin while she wore it!

Lip tattoos: The brand Violent Lips offers a collection of "lip tattoos" that are a quick and easy way to print your lips. The glitter ones are a nice idea, but ones printed with the British flag or leopard print? I think I'll pass.

Paper eyelashes: Fake lashes have been making a comeback since the stars of Jersey Shore popularized the heavily-lashed look and fake eyelashes become more affordable and easy to apply. However, the brand PAPERSELF took this trend to the next level by releasing their line of design-cut paper eyelashes. With designs ranging from deer and peacocks to flowers and paisley, not only will people not know what it is because it's so small, but they will probably give you some really weird looks when you inform them that your eyelashes are a "paper revolution."

And last, but certainly not least...

Hair necklace: I really don't know what to say about this. You know how your skin crawls when you notice that someone has left hair in the shower or the sink? Now imagine wearing that hair around your neck, as a piece of jewelry. A frightening image indeed.

What crazy trends will come out of 2012? We'll just have to wait and see. Happy New Year everyone!