Friday, June 1, 2012

Spotlight on April G.

How long have you been contributing to KD?

Since 2009

Where do you live? (State, Country)
 Missouri, USA 

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design?
 Like most creatives, I realized that I wanted to be an artist when I was a child. When I went back to college, the second time around, to finish my BFA in Graphic Design, I dug through treasures my parents had saved; school papers, drawings, sketch books, various projects, photos, etc. I needed to figure out why I was doing what I was doing.

I found a large number of pieces that centered on geometric patterns, and more hand-made, and early-computer-generated note cards, newsletters, and layouts than I remembered. It was fascinating to be able to see that artistic progression from child to adult.

Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family? 

Yes. My mother's side of the family is wildly creative, in many different ways. My great grandparents, were both stationery designers (on top of their other creative passions). My great grandmother created hand-painted stationery pieces, note cards and what not, while my great grandfather worked for a large office supply company inventing and designing office stationery products that are still in use today!

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created? 

Why this piece?

I took a printmaking class when I was between jobs a few summers ago. I ended up doing a large number of prints using insect drawings and stencils I'd created; this is one of the resulting prints. This one was completely unplanned, I went through the motions without thinking about what I was doing, which I probably why I like it so much. Because there was no intended outcome, I wasn't disappointed that the final result didn't match what I envisioned.

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art?
Food and music. Though I love cooking, I could never be a chef, or a nutritionist – that's too much science for me. I do however love experimenting with new recipes and creating my own.

My current food passion (which I hope turns into a permanent food passion) is organic and non GMO's. Learning how to be frugal while still obtaining the healthiest options. When I'm not cooking, or creating somehow, you can find me at a concert. I love live music, but have no talents when it comes to singing or playing instruments. I simply respect the artists for what they do and highly admire their ability to get up in front of an audience and pour their hearts out.

If you were a color, what color would you be? 

Why that color?
Because with white, possibilities are limitless.

Favorite food?
My current favorite is my daily green smoothie, based on Kimberly Snyder's Glowing Green Smoothie recipe. I like to mix it up with various veggies and fruits, but the base of the recipe always stays the same. It's delicious, and makes you feel great. I love my veggies. But every once in awhile, I just *need* something rich and spicy; Mexican always fits the bill.

Favorite movie and/or book?
Movie: Empire Records
Book: Jane Eyre

Favorite t.v. show?
How I Met Your Mother

A guilty pleasure?
Reading mindless romance "novels". Not the ones that get all dirty, but the nice, sweet ones where there's always a happy ending. I have to have something non-fiction going at most times, but I find that since I now have a Kindle, and can download a ridiculous number of books for free, I read a lot more mindless books than I think I probably should. :-)

What would be your dream job?
Writer and/or photographer. I sort of fell into graphic design, not exactly by accident, but close to it. I do really enjoy it, but if I had the time, I'd like to be able to hone my writing skills and learn more of the technical aspects of photography. Writing and photography connect with people on a different level. I like that.

If we showed up at your house unexpectandly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing?
You might find me trying to beat my husband at Rummikub. In our "life series" of playing one another, I'm winning 22 games to 20. It's getting close. He's good. Rummikub seems to be the only game I can beat him at!

An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…? 
I adore our cats, Sticky (a petite calico with a big attitude) & Zap (a long, lanky orange and white tabby who's thin belly sways to and fro when he walks). Sticky & Zap are brother and sister and like most kitties do, stole my heart from day one. I take more photos of them than most people probably think I should, and talk about them way too much. But they're soft & adorable, and they always make me smile!

Note from Kim - how cool is April's bio?!  Love it.
Please take time to share your "story" with us.
Simply copy and paste the questions and make the answers your own.
Cheer - Happy Friday! - kim