Friday, February 15, 2013

Check out Julia's Blog!

Julia is inviting readers of her blog:

Hi there! Welcome to yet another blog! I hope this one will feel a little different and inspire you to see how creativity is part of life and not something that comes with a creative nature or profession. Creativity is more a way of thinking and seeing than just a way of doing and we are each born with the ability to nurture this innate part of self and others. Shared creativity is a joy! Let's get happy!!!!
Posted By Julia Minasian

Even though Valentine Day is a bit corny I still love it! The shape of a heart is so great for eye appeal. You can find a perfect shape on the internet or draw one yourself and let it be more free form. Perfect isn't always best! Size the heart according to the size card you want and print so you have an outline (standard card size is 5 x 7" which makes it easier to find envelopes to match). Once you have a heart shape you like, find an image to fill the heart to create a fun and unique card. I choose an image from a repeat pattern I had painted but you could use anything from old wallpaper, images in a magazine, newsprint, music scores to even an old poem. Play with images until you find what you love by placing them within the heart and then using the shape as a guide cut your images to fit. Paste this filled heart onto your empty card (card stock is nicest)! If you have some pretty ribbon you can add a touch of color or design under the image or use just a strip of cut paper. Really the best thing to do is to play!!!! I have a good friend who I call the "Glue Queen" and she loves a glue called Tombo Aqua Mono liquid glue. You can also double stick or elmers it!!!! This is sort of a 'no-mind' project. Something to do for the fun and LOVE of it.
