Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Pope is announced from Argentina!

We asked Marcela (KD contributor that resides in Argentina) what it was like to hear this news.
Here is what she shared with me and said it's okay to share with you:

YES!!!! Argentine Pope!!! I was at my car driving home and I heard the news!! I called my parents, my sister, everybody, we are so happy!!! Argentina has been in big troubles with the actual president Cristina Kirchner so we all hope the president meets the Pope (I still can´t believe it) and he talks to her to reconsider a lot of things she needs to reconsider...I know is it not the same thing, but an Argentinian was named Queen from Holland the past month as she is married with the king of Poland, so maybe now everybody in the world will know Argentina. I have to say that not so long ago lots of people thought Argentina was part of Brazil...
=) Talking seriously, Jorge Bergoglio, is a very intelligent, sensitive, humble person, so we all hope he can reach more to the people who was loosing their faith lately in the catholic church. LLet's pray for that!!

Newly elected Pope Francis, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina waves from the steps of the Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica in Rome, March 14, 2013.