Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Check out the!

A contributing designer from KD works at this WONDERFUL resource for designers/agents/buyers of art.  I think it is much needed and very cool.  If you do not want to be identified - then don't fill out the part to enter for the free give-aways but please do consider reading up on this site and doing the survey without the prize part to stay anonymous.  
I spent a considerable amount of time on the site yesterday.  
So, read on...our fellow contributing designer sent this email to me yesterday:
Hi Kim! 
Hope you are doing well. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but my "day job" is working for the textile design blog We have just launched a new survey hoping to gather data from designers, agents and print buyers across our industry. The results will be shared with all who participate and there are even prizes up for grabs for participating! We think it will be a great resource and provide some important insights and industry statistics. I was wondering if you would mind sharing with the KD designers? Here is a link to the survey:
Let me know if you have any questions! 
Thanks so much,