Sunday, May 29, 2011

Julianna - Fashion Designer and rescue dog magnet:

Julianna is a contributor to KD as she contracts her expertise in fashion design to our clients.

In Missouri the tornado's ruined so many homes and killed hundreds.

This was a story Julianna brought to me that I wanted to share:

People forget how many animals were affected by the storms. I hope they found their homes & families again.

go hug your critters!!  :-)
Dog with two broken legs finds owner after storm - Yahoo! News

Then- Julianna shared this about her dog and her mission with rescue dogs:

My dog's name is Sugar, she is a rescue doggy from a Border Collie rescue group. Her entire litter of pups was dumped by a breeder because they were not "perfectly marked"! Can you believe people do things like that?? Just glad that there are great people with big hearts that save the animals...I couldn't be any luckier than to have my sweet & super smart Sugar girl. I have only had rescue dogs & cats all my life, somehow they seem to find me!

hey, would you mind mentioning a great website that gives all money to animal charities?
All people have to do is click on the site's donation button or on the sponsor links & they will feed animals in shelters across the US.  Pretty cool...& they have super cute merchandise for animal lovers too.   All for charity!!  :-)
The Animal Rescue Site:

Sugar, above.
Julianna, below. 

I love people that stand up for animals.
Have a good Sunday,