Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spotlight on Andrea S...

Kim Note Here:  No photo of Andrea S. but I have met Andrea in Manhattan and she's very nice and very pretty!

How long have you been contributing to KD?  

5 years…I think!

Where do you live? (State, Country) 

Wisconsin, USA

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design? Actually, I really wanted to be a doctor. But my parents said- "You don't want to do that! You're an artist!"  I suppose they knew me better than I knew myself. 
Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family? My father. He was a doctor. But he always wanted to be a photographer. His mother insisted he become a surgeon. And so he was- and  a very, very good stitcher- no scars!  Ah! Such parellel lives we live!

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created?  (attach jpg) Bunny Bandana

Why this piece? It is funny- in a very subtile way. Lots of pattern- I love the cabbbage in the middle. I what to do a whole series of them- bees, horses, owls- everything!

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art? Growing tomatoes. Lots of varieties including Heirloom. Sharing, cooking, freezing, drying- EATING! Nothing is better than a vine ripe tomato eaten over the sink with a little sea salt. I have "White Queen" in my garden again after a 5 year wait! Tastes like pineapple.Oh YUM! Also- Reading, waterskiing, collecting "face" cups, (cups with faces on them) and of course- art in any form. 

If you were a color, what color would you be?  Why that color? White (or black in pigment or print) of course. It is all colors of the spectrum combined. Why have one when you can have it all? What a silly question. But I do like lime green.

Favorite food? Tomatoes. And that tart yogurt (pinkberry/cali yougurt)- please come to Milwaukee!

Favorite movie and/or book? Oh- without a doubt, anything written by Dianna Gabaldon!! Run.. do not walk…   to your nearest bookstore or audible download (the audible is just as marvilus!!) and search for her Outlander series! If you like to read- you will love me forever for telling you this. There are 8 - 1,000 page books of bodice-ripping historical time traveling I-wish-it-was-real amazing fiction. Fans are all waiting for the movie..she has a blog too!

A guilty pleasure? Guacomole

What would be your dream job? Retirement. So I can just do art and grow tomatoes.

If we showed up at your house unexpectandly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing? Watering my tomatoes and drooling in the corner after a long week of my day job and freelance at 50+ years. 

An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…?  I read tarot cards. I started because my best friend had a deck and we would read the book as we played with them. I continued reading and learning, taking classes, exploring the philosophy and history. I don't think I am particually gifted in that psychic kind of way. But there have been some very spooky moments!

More features coming soon!