Thursday, June 14, 2012

Spotlight on Angelique:

How long have you been contributing to KD?
    Since February 2012
Where do you live? (State, Country)
     New York City
When did you realize you had a passion for art/design?
    Since my childhood
Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family? 
     My Dad is an architect but I am more driven than anyone I know in my family
What is one of your favorite design/art you have created? 

    The reBirth of Venus
Why this piece?
    It was an experiment of what I could achieve w/Digital art and my skills. I felt I was breaking through to my next phase and achieved it in this piece

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art?
     Yes, love going to movies and writing screenplays. Once I learned how to write what i see in my mind
        it made screenplays easy to write.
If you were a color, what color would you be?  Why that color?
Favorite food?
    Indian and gourmet Italian
Favorite movie and/or book?
    The Harry Potter series
Favorite t.v. show?
     Fringe and Revenge
A guilty pleasure?
     Ice Cream and vegging out
What would be your dream job?
     I am doing it, creating and selling my fabric prints, creating and developing my children's picture books and interactive apps, writing & producing my films, and exhibiting my art in museums and galleries.
If we showed up at your house unexpectandly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing?
      Cooking something delicious to eat and to enjoy with friends, while working on my children's books
An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…? 
                                 Looking for a way to work/live in Brazil or France