Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spotlight on Tracy M. at KIMDESIGNS:

We truly are an "interesting lot" contributing to KD. 

I thought this would be a fun exercise in getting to know each other in our virtual set-up that we have here at KD. 

I personally always wish I could know each of you better outside of the designs we enjoy between us.

So...we are going to be doing a spotlight feature and getting to everyone!

First Up:
Tracy M.

How long have you been contributing to KD?  For three years.
Where do you live? (State, Country)  The small town of Northville, Michigan.

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design?  At almost the same time, when I was maybe 5, I knew I wanted to be an artist AND be able to sew.  Though I am now more designer than artist,  this and sewing are how I make a living.

Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family? My mom was an expert seamstress, who sewed all my clothes, and my grandmother was an artist. 

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created? 

Why this piece?  It's almost impossible to choose my favorite piece since it's usually the one I've just finished. I choose this one, though.  It encompasses so much of what I want my designs to be: clean and crisp, modern but classic, and thoroughly original.

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art?  I mentioned sewing, which is more than a hobby. It is what paid the bills when I was a single mother of two children. I still take in sewing, though now it's limited to home decor items, especially slipcovers.  I LOVE refinishing old furniture that I found or bought for next-to-nothing.

If you were a color, what color would you be?  I can't choose one!

Favorite food?  I know I should say broccoli or apples, but my favorite food has to be fresh baked bread.

What is something we would find you doing on a Friday evening? I'd be lying on the sofa with my sweetheart watching TV.

An interesting fact about you that you’d be willing to share…?  I've found that  living a vegan life and being very physically fit are two of the secrets to peace and happiness. 

Next, we will feature you!  Coming soon..more "spotlights"...