Saturday, May 12, 2012

Interesting Article Share from Adele:

Happy Saturday Everyone,

If you have time, you may like to read this article.  When people ask me what I do, and I try to explain simply what KD does, it's really not so simple at all.  I agree with this article when it says that the print designers are the "unsung group" behind fashion.

Excerpt here:
To keep up with the demand for prints, many designers work with textile designers, a mostly anonymous and largely unsung group who are nevertheless in the industry’s vanguard. In fact, because they work even further in advance than clothing designers, up to a year before a finished garment appears on the runway, print designers in many ways set trends. “Fashion designers would be lost without them,” Rose says. “They’re out there seeing what goes on, on the front lines. So much fashion starts with the fabric, and that starts with them.”

From Adele:

A designer friend sent me this link. Kind of a cool article about pattern from NY Times.

Made me think of KD and all of the designers who work so hard.... Might be worth a share for you? 

Behavior Pattern | The Psychology Behind Fashion's Latest Favorite -

Thank you Adele for pointing us to this article.