Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Spotlight on Taslima at

How long have you been contributing to KD?
                       I've started working with Kimdesigns from 2005

Where do you live? (State, Country)
                       My country of birth is Bangladesh but since the age of 12 I have lived in England, UK

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design?
                       I realized I had passion for design since I was at the age of 13. I was made aware of my talent especially by my art teacher at school.

Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family?
                       Although I am not aware how much I have inherited but definitely the artistic side is from my mother as she was always known to be very artistic.

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created?  (attach jpg)
Why this piece?
                       Attached one of the design. I like this design especially because I had fun designing it.              

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art?
                       I enjoy photography, so whenever I get the opportunity I take an advantage of taking pictures of interesting things.

If you were a color, what color would you be?  Why that color?
                       If I was a colour I would be green because green represents peace and symbolizes nature, life and health.

Favorite food?
                       I like varieties of food from different cultures and countries but vegetables would always be on top of the list

Favorite movie and/or book?
                       There are many movies and books I can think of but the one stuck in my mind will have to be the 'Gone with the Wind'. This is because this movie has the elements of history, passion, romance, emotion and love; all in one

A guilty pleasure?
                       I would love to travel around the world with friends without worrying about families.

What would be your dream job?
                       It would have to be design related and something that will put smile on my face all the time.

If we showed up at your house unexpectantly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing?
                       You would probably catch me doing house work as this is what I end up doing even though I say to myself I would put my feet up and relax for that evening. Towards the end of the evening I would be checking all my emails, especially from Kimdesigns. (kim here - smiling big)!

An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…?
                       An interesting thing would be, when I was a child my answer to what I would like to be when I grew up was to become a teacher or an artist. Strangely enough, I am technically a teacher and an artist now.

Thanks Taslima for sharing - it's fun to know more about you.  -kim