Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spotlight on BAnne!

How long have you been contributing to KD? Since November 2010!

Where do you live? (State, Country) Siloam Springs, Arkansas, USA Recently named by Smithsonian Mag. #14 Best Small Town in America! http://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/The-20-Best-Small-Towns-in-America.html?c=y&page=15&navigation=thumb&device=iphone
We also live 30 miles from Bentonville, AR, home to Walmart Stores and the new Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
http://crystalbridges.org/ If you are ever in the area, I would highly recommend a visit!

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design?
I have always been driven to create and be creative, exploring photography, knitting, quilting and many other outlets, but have found my happy place in art and design in the last couple of years.  I have returned to college to start working on a degree in Illustration to learn more about art and design.

Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family?
My earliest memories of drawing are times spent with my grandfather.  I was crazy about horses and he took the time to draw with me and show me how to draw.  My mother was an accomplished seamstress and some of my earliest memories are wandering around fabric stores, looking at all the beautiful fabrics.  The smell of new fabric can still take me back.

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created?   

 Why this piece? While I enjoy creating on the computer for Kim Designs, I would say that if I had to choose a favorite piece of art, I would choose this one.  There is something about a piece of art that the texture can been seen, the depth of color can be experienced visually and I just really enjoy figurative work! This piece was the third in a series of attempts to create this style and the most successful of my attempts.

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art?
My husband and I like to run together.  Outside of that, we have 3 children, so I stay busy going to their sporting events, football, soccer and ballet!

If you were a color, what color would you be?  Why that color? French Ultramarine, the watercolor version!  It just seems so calm and restful, a refuge to go to when life is crazy busy!

Favorite food? Chocolate, of course!  I love dark chocolate and my new favorite treat is Ghirardelli White Chocolate Bar, the kind with the creamy middle...

 Favorite movie and/or book?
My favorite movie, "What's Up Doc" with Ryan O'Neal and Barbra Streisand.
My favorite book, that is a little harder, I usually read 4-5 books a month and I have a wide range of interests in reading material.
So... my favorite art book is "The Accidental Creative" by Todd Henry My favorite non-fiction, the Bible and anything by Malcolm Gladwell Fiction, favorite authors are Ted Dekker, Janet Evanovich, Joan Hess, David Baldacci and Daniel Silva

A guilty pleasure? A bubble bath, a book and a locked door and if I'm lucky, a night at home to watch Big Bang Theory reruns!

What would be your dream job? My husband is a designer also, so my dream job would be him being able to quit his full time job at a retailer as a designer and working many, many freelance design jobs with him!  We work well together and still enjoy each other's company after over 22 years of marriage!

If we showed up at your house unexpectedly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing? 
IF we were home and not at a football or soccer game (a night at home is a rare thing), we would probably have ordered pizza, rented a Redbox and just be relaxing!

An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…? When I had just graduated high school, I worked as a lifeguard at the city pool in Bentonville.  If someone needed to use the phone, we would have to charge them a dime.  One day, a man had finished playing tennis on the courts by the pool and asked to use the phone.  I charged him a dime.  His name?
Sam Walton.    Seeing Mr. Sam around town and growing up in a Walmart family was a very interesting experience, my first job after college was at the Walmart Home office and that is where I met my husband.

Have a great day everyone! - kim