Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Call out for Plates/Napkin sets - Due 2/18/2011 - Friday

Good Wednesday Morning,

A new call for paper plates and coordinating napkins has been posted by the client.
This is for their baby and juvi lines.
Really cute trend boards for each line are provided by the client.

If you are interested in reviewing the trend boards and PLAN ON submitting - ask to send you the trend board jpgs.
Chanta can also tell you the pay /royalty rate.
Thank you - kim

--------from client below:

Greetings All!

It’s time to put on your creative caps and start designing!  We have had so much fun creating these Everyday 2012 trend boards and hope you will have more fun taking our concepts to the next level. This is Group 1 out of 4. (3 more to follow)
Deadline:  on or before Friday, February 18th, 2011 by 8am EST.
Our schedule for Group 1 (PCA) as follows:
 Kick off: 2.1.11
 Designs due: 2.21.11-8amEST
 1st Review: 2.22.11
 Contact Artists with revisions: 2.22-24.11
 Revisions due: 2.28.11
 2nd Review: 3.1.11
 Contact Artists with revisions: 3.2-3.11
 Revisions due: 3.7.11 8amEST
 Narrow Designs: 3.14.11
 Contact Artists: 3.14-15.11
 Revisions due: 3.17.11
 Finalize designs: 3.18.11
 Send artists dol & templates 3.21-23.11
 HI Res production files due: 4.4.11

We have to adhere to this schedule to the letter.  No wiggle room whatsoever.

If you are unable to participate in this schedule/time frame due to vacations, workload, etc, please be considerate of our unforgiving deadlines and consider submitting for our other Groups (3 more to follow).

The creative briefs are proprietary information.  Please do not share with others – time to be selfish and think of yourself first :)

Keep in mind that we do ask if a design of yours is selected that you place your artwork on our templates that we will provide.  We have made them more user friendly.  Hopefully this will aid in overall efficiency.

If you have not heard from us by March 18th, please consider your artwork available for other channels/opportunities.

We are very excited to see your submissions! (it’s like Christmas, I can’t wait!)