Tuesday, February 15, 2011

KD "Stuff" - Feedback on our art/designs

Hello Everyone,

We often get asked by you, the designers/artists, for feedback on the art that is submitted.  When some revision/idea strikes me - I wil offer an idea on maybe how to make it stronger for the client review based on my experience.

But, in the nearly six years I have been doing Kim Designs - maybe a dozen times, a client actually offered us a bit of advice or thoughts on the designs we submitted.  And believe me, I would share it with the designer.

I will say we do get some "blanket replies" - like "WOW, these are great".
Or, "Not for us".

To be honest, we are lucky if we get a thank you for our efforts.

Clients (like all of us) are super busy.

They contact us when they need something OR when they want to buy.
Otherwise, it's pretty dim in the "email tunnel" we live within.

Hope this helps a bit...
With cheer,