Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wow - an email from Karo that nearly made me cry

Just received this email from Karo.  (below)  I share the email she wrote me with everyone because her writing that to me is like a dream come true to me.   

I started KD to create a platform for folks that God gave the gift of "art" to.  My dad was an artist but his dad beat him with a belt if they caught him drawing.  They said - you will starve as an artist.  "Go be a trash collector - they always have work".  (Or so the story my dad told me went).  It didn't help that my father grew up during the depression era in America in the 1930's.   

So - how neat for my company to be a platform for artist.  So, it's with vigor and enthusiasm that I start my day with your art and the strong desire to make opportunities from your creative talents.

Email from Karo is below.

Dear Kim,

Thank you for posting all these interesting things on your blog. I feel like I am part of a community. ( and that is the best thing ever )

My father passed away three years ago in January 2008.