Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Due in 14 hours - how's that for notice?

Hi All - okay -  this is for a very high-end gift box/paper company.
They buy a good bit from us.

If you have anything new or something you have sent that you think is perfect and a "must see" (remind me)! - please send by email to kim and chanta by 10 a.m. EST on 2/9/2011

Client writes:

Hi Kim,
Do you have any new contemporary christmas? Something clean but “fun” and sophisticated....(not juvenile).  No plaids, no animals
Maybe damasks
Do you have some christmasy graphic patterns?
I have a meeting tomorrow on this.
Any ideas??

Pay is very fair.  And they love layered files. 
Thanks for all your support - sorry for the laten notices.