Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hi Everyone It's me "Bev NYC"

Please take a look at the first bedding collection
that was done by Amit.
Amit allowed me to pick a pattern of his that I love.
Along with offering up my design director experience and
Bam this is what we came up with.

I just love it !
I would love to hear from each and everyone of you.
cc both kim and chanta.

I joked with Kim....
Saying if each of our designers did just one bedding collection in
a room setting we would have a great Bedding Department.

We could call it....
Also I can help you with doing the layout if need be.
Last don't be afraid to use a room setting
that work with the design.
baby prints -a baby room
teen and tween room
Boys twin bed layout.
If your pattern is traditional go with a traditionl room setting.

I know I don't need to say this, being I am always blown away by how creative KD's artists truly are.