Friday, February 25, 2011

Today - we are wrapping up the Umbrella PDF

Hi All - Today Chanta will be wrapping up the Spring/Summer 2012 Print PDF we will submit to this client and others that ask us for new prints in this "flavor".
Thank you for all the design support.  - kimHLY C O N F I D E N T I A L
Umbrella Client
February 25, 2011
Project Manager(s):
Email from Client:
Hey Kim,
I am beginning to look around for Spring 2012 prints. This year, we are looking for super simple, but
interesting prints. A good reference for these would be Orla Kiely
and prints like Boden makes (
Please send along print ideas when you get a chance.
Note from Kim:
I was at Costco and saw this umbrella brand there. They also support major retailers such as Neiman
Marcus, REI and Nordstroms with their own private-label designs on their umbrellas. Many KD
designers have sold to this client in the last three years.
This client expects layered files in repeat for their purchase price.
If you submit for this - write: Umbrella Prints for Spring 2012 in email subject line.
Send jpgs by email to me and
We then put all the jpgs we receive in a PDF for client review.
Which we also share with other clients seeking prints for Spring 2012.
We love to “RECYCLE” art for many clients.
Also upload all designs you do for Kim Designs - into or
This way - other clients may have the opportunity to purchase your work.
The way I think: First Come - First Served = Most immediate sales for us.

Do not pass this document to anyone! And please, never contact the client directly if client is known.