Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spotlight on Emma S.

How long have you been contributing to KD?
3 years? I don't quite remember - Time flies when you love what you do!

Where do you live? (State, Country)
I live in El Salvador, Central America

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design?
This i remember clearly as it was an "aha" moment for you. I was in 12th grade and a dear friend of mine had a sister that was studying Graphic Design in a local university (our only design school at that time) - When I saw her class assignments, I just knew that was what I 'needed' to do in life!

Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family? 
Our mothers seem to have a lot of influence in us I see - I inherited my artistic (and passion) from my mom too :)

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created? 
Difficult question!! I love them all - If I have to pick one right now it would have to be my "Belly Dance in Teal"

Why this piece?

I think it's because it marks a change in my work - Ever since I got a valuable piece of advise by an Industrial Designer from California - He said something along the lines of 'always put your DNA (your memories, your surroundings, etc) into your work so that you can stand out from competition'. I did this while I was in Baghdad for a USAID funded program - I couldn't see much of the city but most defenitedly was influenced by the cultre in general (their currency bills have amazing designs on them btw) - at the same time my surface design guarian angel was telling me to 'stick to my voice & expand I started to use (my all time favorite) design and color trend magazine out of the UK for color palettes - This was one of the first ones I did having these things in mind and ever since I feel the response to my work has picked up significantly.
Do you have a hobby outside creating/art?

Dogs! Dogs! Dogs! Don't know how much of a hobby that is, but when I am not creating I just love to hang out with my girls Kokoa and WingDing (my 2 American Bulldogs) - I used to go with Kokoa to a home for abandonded children with special needs so that they could receive dog assisted therapy! I need to pick that up again - to see the kids and the dogs interact and both their responses is just priceless!

If you were a color, what color would you be?  Why that color?
That would have to be Red because it is so full of passion and well - it's timeless in my  mind

Favorite food?
Does chocolate count as food?? :) 

Favorite movie and/or book?

A guilty pleasure?
The design/fashion/art related reality shows like America's Next Top Model, Runway Project and American Idol (I hope Philip Philips wins!!!!)

What would be your dream job?
Thankfully I'm living my dream job :) Just need to make more money LOL!

If we showed up at your house unexpectandly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing?
Drawing or painting or vectorising my designs, chossing colors in my studio.

An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…? 
A funny fact about me - You will probably call me crazy - but I have a thing for odd numbers and when I watch TV the volume "needs" to be set to an odd number level.... I know - nuts right!
On a more serious side - I love to help others in regards to Surface Design. Locally the term "Surface Design" was introduce to our 2 design schools with my graduation thesis project I presented 2 years ago. Ever since both schools have either sent me students interested in this area of design or professional designers have approached me asking me to guide them - I absolutedly love to help them out - I've sent some your way :) and are now KD contributing designers - Makes me happy to see more Salvadorans designers helping give our country a more positive face - may be insignificant to others, but it certainly is a start and helps :)

Kim note:  Emma has such a supportive spirit about her and I have truly relished knowing her and her art these last several years.  Thanks Emma for all!