Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spotlight on Rod!

How long have you been contributing to KD? Just shy of 8 years

Where do you live? Illinois USA...

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design? Probably 2 or 3 years old when I always was in trouble for drawing on the walls...

Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family?  Yes, my whole family is full of creativeness from artist to musicians :)

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created? 

Why this piece? It's one of many Good Times - Memories I got to share w/ my daughter Ashley before she passed away...

During the photo shoot for this project in Nashville, TN there where tornado warnings and sirens going
off the whole time which made it very interesting and exciting...

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art? Yes, Ghost Hunting and shooting guns...

If you were a color, what color would you be?  Why that color? I would be Clover Green for better Luck...

Favorite food? BLT w/ Extra Bacon or Taco Salad...

Favorite movie and/or book? Movie "Forrest Gump" and Book "The Da Vinci Code"...

A guilty pleasure? Ice Cream or Cheese...

What would be your dream job? A Professional Cockroach Taxidermist or Tiki Bartender in the Florida Keys...

If we showed up at your house unexpectedly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing? Working or Hanging out w/ My Friends and Family...

An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…? I Got New Socks...

....Thanks to you for sharing.  -kim
Footnote on Rod – Rod is one of KD’s first contributors and Rod has designed – as in product development – for many companies and many lines – from Bobble Heads to new clothing lines to Sunglasses. 
Sadly, Rod suffered a tragedy about a year ago when his daughter, Ashley, perished after being severely burned in a fire at her college residence.  A parent’s worst nightmare…