Friday, April 27, 2012

Spotlight on Jane W!

How long have you been contributing to KD? Since 2010

Where do you live? Nashville TN

When did you realize you had a passion for art/design? I always wanted to be an artist, and when my fourth grade teacher encouraged me, I thought I might actually have something here. 

Did you inherit your passion/artistic genetics from someone in your family? My mom, who loved to make displays for her classroom, and my father's mother, who had excellent taste.

What is one of your favorite design/art you have created? 

Why this piece? I drew it slowly in soft pencil on newsprint, pieced it together in Photoshop, felt good about it, and then Billabong (sportswear) produced it! 

Do you have a hobby outside creating/art? Anything outdoors: photographing n
ature, hiking, canoeing, and listening to indie music, just not all at the same time.

If you were a color, what color would you be?  Why that color? The Pantone color of the year, whatever it may be :)

Favorite food? Grapes, fresh, or fermented

Favorite movie and/or book? Right now, the HBO series "True Blood."

A guilty pleasure? As above: "True Blood"

What would be your dream job? I've had a couple of dream jobs: a location scout for film/TV shows, an artist with my own print design business. It's all good in its own time.

If we showed up at your house unexpectandly on a Friday evening, what is something we would find you doing? Enjoying some chill time with grapes.

An interesting or funny fact about you that you’d be willing to share…? I'm a Phi Beta Kappa and I have a parrot who can imitate the sound of my suitcase zipping up.

PS. And I love Kim Designs!

(had to include the "love Kim Designs" part in - makes me feel very good)